Tag: Vulnerability
The Power of the Written Word
I now understand why some people called me brave. I felt the fear and I pushed forward and did what was necessary. I did not allow fear to rule me. Neither should you.
Road to Recovery
On May 14th I had my first surgery in my BRCA2 journey and I am on the road to recovery. It is quite jarring to discover that you have a genetic mutation that interrupts your body’s ability to fight certain cancers. I wasn’t entirely sure what I would experience with this surgery. So […]
Weekly Affirmation – Control of thoughts
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am in full control of my thoughts and emotions.
What is the lesson?
I am trying to understand what the lesson I am to learn at this point. Then I came across this thought and it all became clearer. I have been focusing on the hurt part, not the lesson that Spirit is trying to teach me. Today I have decided to shake off the hurt, wipe my […]
What it means to have the BRCA2 Gene Mutation
Well, actually I have have the gene mutation all my life, it has been a week since I got the results. I now have a bunch of Dr. appointments to start making decisions. I go between relief and anger. Angry that I have waited so long to test knowing my family history. Relief that I […]
Day 1 of my Journey with BRCA2 Diagnosis
Today I start Journey with BRCA2 diagnosis. George asked that I not publish my story right away… That once I start it will be out there. Right now we need time to really process all that we heard. So when I am ready these posts will go live. Right now they are sitting […]
How can we help others?
I often wonder how we can help others in time of serious crisis. I sit here wondering about so many things these days? I have avoided writing for so long because I have been stuck. Then I realized that my being stuck was a result of me having to have all the answers. Sometimes it […]
The dynamics of depression and its affect on relationships…
I run the danger of criticism for writing my thoughts down and then publishing them here on my blog. today I want to discuss the dynamics of depression. So many mistakes have been made in the course of who I have become. There is a real struggle with some of the relationships I […]
Fall is here….
I blinked and the year has gone by so fast. There have been so many changes in my life and I am the happiest I have been in years. There is so much going on and I am struggling to keep it all in order. The removal of Real Estate from my professional life has […]
There are no accidents
File this under there are no accidents in life. Every once in awhile I have a feeling I need to do something. Not exactly sure why, but I trust it and go ahead and do it. At the time it may not be significant, it is only later that I understand the significance of that […]