Tag: Spirituality
Children and Spirituality
Children and Spirituality is a topic of interest to me. I am constantly thinking about it and the ways as adults can assist children grow spiritually. Often it is children that help adults connect to their own Spirituality. It is something that I find beautiful when I come across young children and they are […]
Express yourself in a way that your absence is felt…
Express yourself in a way that your absence is felt. Makes you think doesn’t it? This post was originally posted May 30, 2016, it is just as important to me today as it was when I wrote it then. I felt a need to share it once again. It amazes me how simple this saying […]
Never Believe a Prediction that does not empower you….
I love watching the Ted Talks. There is so much to learn from them. They really inspire, and teach me something. I think the Universe puts certain ones in my path for a reason. If you believe predictions that do not empower you; you will die either physically or Spiritually. Remember you are the […]
The Power of the Written Word
I now understand why some people called me brave. I felt the fear and I pushed forward and did what was necessary. I did not allow fear to rule me. Neither should you.
Ghost Hunting – Just stop already!
Ghost hunting has always bothered me. I talk with Spirit all the time. I am of white light and of positive energy. I am a connection between two worlds and a positive one at that. I find nothing positive about going around with all sorts of equipment to record the torture of a soul. I […]
The Order of Melchizedek
I was Ordained on October 2, 2016 in the Order of Melchizedek. This post was originally posted on October 23, 2016 and I thought it important to share today. Even more today than when first published I have great respect for the service of others. It has been an interesting journey since. At the time […]
Science vs. Spirituality
Here is an interesting talk. Personally I see being Spiritual and Religious as two very distinct things. Remember Spiritual is your direct connection to God/Universe and Religion is someone else’s interpretation (dogma) of that connection.
“When she awoke, the world was on fire.”
“When she awoke, the world was on fire.” ― Scott Westerfeld, Uglies Fire is amazing. When she awoke, the world was on fire struck me as a beautiful statement of where I am right now. I have been in a huge growth Spiritually and you could say that I am on fire. A direct result […]
The Power of Human Energy
Trust. Intuition. Belief. This is an awesome story of how human energy affects leadership and success. The lines of communication are blurred. We are the the connection and we need to be authentic in our connection. Great idea about the human contact and the importance of human energy. How we can flourish with human energy. It can […]
Talk – Church of Spirtual Oneness Erie PA – November 6, 2016
Yesterday I had the honor of speaking at the Church of Spiritual Oneness in Erie PA. It was one of those moments that inspired me. That my trusting Spirit was completely rewarded. I knew what I was going to say was going to affect several people there. It was a powerful reaction. Beautiful, loving and […]