The Spiritual Consequences of Carrying Others’ Burdens

Are You Over-Giving? The Spiritual Consequences of Carrying Others’ Burdens We don’t talk about the spiritual consequences of carrying others’ burdens.  Giving is at the heart of spiritual work, but is it possible to give too much? Absolutely. There’s a fine balance between offering support and depleting yourself to the point of exhaustion. Over-giving in […]

4 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – Saying No

Learning to say no is an empowering act of self-respect. When we say no, we protect our boundaries and create space for what truly matters. This affirmation will help you build confidence in making choices that honor your well-being.  This weeks affirmation is as follows: Every no makes room for a more meaningful yes About […]

1 min read

Navigating Holiday Stress: Strategies for Healthy Family Dynamics

It’s holiday season again, and family dynamics can bring anxiety. Strategies for stress reduction are crucial. Remind yourself that “No” is a complete sentence.  That is exactly what we are doing this year — saying no to the stress.   In fact, we have over the years found the simpler the holiday the better it is […]

2 mins read

Organize Your Life – Start Small

How to Organize Your Life to Get More Free Time When someone says “organize your life” what do you think?  Most people feel as if there is too much to do every day and not enough time to do it. But, how does that explain those people who are super-productive and seem to get so […]

6 mins read

Empowerment and Self-Esteem

The Connection between Personal Empowerment and Self-Esteem Self-esteem is an important element of success. It’s also an integral component of self-empowerment. Without a belief in yourself, it’s difficult to accomplish your goals. In this article we’ll explore definitions of personal empowerment and self-esteem and then talk about how they overlap. What Is Self-Esteem? Many people […]

3 mins read