Using Your Intuition with Tarot

Intuition And Tarot Reading Intuition with Tarot is so very important.  You don’t have to be psychic to use Tarot cards. You do need, however, to be in tune with your intuition. Often that requires us to quiet our minds to allow the information to flow.  More importantly for us to trust what we are […]

3 mins read

Why Does Natural Law Matter Today?

Let’s Explain these Laws First? Natural Law is a fascinating and timeless concept that speaks to the very core of our shared humanity. It embodies the idea that there are universal principles of morality and justice that exist beyond human-made laws—principles we can discover through our own reasoning and reflection. Let’s break it down further […]

3 mins read

Understanding Natural Law

Understanding Natural Law: A Guide for Those Opening to Spirit At some point we need to come to an understanding of natural law.  As we begin to open ourselves to Spirit, many of us find that questions naturally arise about our purpose, the universe, and our spiritual journey. Whether you’re just starting to explore your […]

4 mins read

Ancient Techniques to Quiet Your Mind

Ancient Techniques to Quiet Your Mind For millennia, people have sought methods to quiet their minds. Long before modern technology introduced new distractions into our lives, humans have pursued inner peace. If you’re seeking a method to quiet your mind and achieve inner peace, these four ancient techniques have proven effective even by today’s standards. […]

4 mins read

Natural Law: Guiding Light in a Changing World

Our Changing World The conflict in the Middle East has had me thinking of our changing world.  It has taken me back to the study of Natural Law. The Spiritual connection cannot be overlooked. Natural Law, a concept rooted in philosophy and embraced by various spiritual traditions, serves as a timeless guide for individuals seeking […]

4 mins read

The Law of Attraction in Everyday Life

How Successful People Use the Law of Attraction in Their Everyday Lives Everyday life can overwhelm us.  Somehow block our ability to succeed.  Have you ever noticed someone, for example in the world of business, who just seems to have everything? Moreover, have you noticed how he or she seems to get everything with such […]

2 mins read

Journaling Trends

New Journaling Trends: How Journaling is Changing Journaling trends come and they go.  It can be a powerful part of your self-care routine.  Journaling has always been a very open-minded activity without specific rules or ways that it needs to be done. However, there are some trends in journaling on their way out, and others […]

3 mins read

Using the Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction Exercises to Really Get What You Want If you have heard of the movie, The Secret, you have heard of the Law of Attraction, as well. The Law of Attraction is not something that simple comes your way; you have to put a little effort into, as well.  Like all the natural […]

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Natural Laws of the Universe

Natural Law can be confusing for so many.    Recently a friend posed a question regarding moral code and context to Natural Law.   I have been thinking a lot about this and think I need to explore this in greater depth.   It got me digging wanting to know more about Natural Law. So here is […]

4 mins read

Spirituality and Religion — same or different?

Originally written in 2016, this continues to be a popular post the question so powerful about religious people. Are you Religious or Spiritual? This is a post that has sat in draft since March, each day I come to it and write something, edit something out, fix a sentence or exit without making a change.  […]

5 mins read