Tag: Love
Good Morning….
Spring is starting to show itself in Western New York. This morning I put on my raincoat instead of my winter coat. I love finding the crocuses popping out of the ground that my grandmother planted over 20 years ago. It is like she is saying hello to me. So good morning! Time to tackle […]
Sunday Talk – Church of Spiritual Oneness
Just got home from a lovely service in Erie PA. Great energy and lots of love… I shared the fact the last time I spoke there, I used another song and the significance of that talk and what happened the next day… As promised, the song DAY by DAY was used. Afterwards it was suggested […]
Day by day….
Music has always given me clues along my Spiritual Journey. It has also been the start of many lectures. Tomorrow I will be talking to the Church of Spiritual Oneness and this song will be the launching point of my talk. I hope I will see you there…. 10am DAYS INN – Conference Room 7415 […]
The joys of writing your first book!
I can tell you that it has been a journey. My publisher says I have grown greatly in this process. The first time I printed the book I had all these tags where I needed to expand on ideas, or add inspirational quotes. The picture posted was the second go around with the book. I […]
Really there are no mistakes when it comes to love…
Really there are no mistakes when it comes to loving people. I am a little dumbfounded right now. I recently had a conversation with a friend and they just had a nasty breakup with their significant other. They said “I wasted so much time loving this person” and this song (which they introduced me to […]
The power of love
I had an interesting journey selecting my three words for 2017. I didn’t pick them, they picked me. My first indication that Love would be one of my words was when I heard Lisa Williams speak of it on Christmas Eve from the very place I will be speaking New Year’s Day. It was very […]
Healing Love To All….
I am siting here wondering what needs to happen in the wake of the election of Donald Trump for President. The divide, the fear and the anger. I did not support either of the candidates. I knew no matter what happened that it would not be a good thing. I am deeply saddened but as […]
Family Heirlooms
Family Heirlooms come in many shapes and sizes. In my family the majority of it was in jewelry. This was my grandmother’s ring. It sat in a box for many years. Look closely it is a chakra ring. Her jewelry brings me so much joy. I love wearing these old pieces. Jewelry is deeply personal […]
You Bloom When You Are Ready
You bloom when you are ready. I have learned that not everyone blooms when expected. Here are two daisies that have bloomed this week. It the fall, unexpected and very much needed at this moment by me. You see, I am dealing with a lot of people putting heavy expectations on me right now. I […]
All you need is love….
All you need is love and that is the truth. Today was a beautiful day in Lily Dale. I spent the day walking through the Dale and enjoying the changing seasons. In just a few short number of days the colors will be in peak. It doesn’t make the now any less beautiful. Last year […]