Tag: Leadership
Express yourself in a way that your absence is felt…
Express yourself in a way that your absence is felt. Makes you think doesn’t it? This post was originally posted May 30, 2016, it is just as important to me today as it was when I wrote it then. I felt a need to share it once again. It amazes me how simple this saying […]
George Orwell Wisdom for Today
This post about thoughts from George Orwell was originally posted on June 11, 2016, I think it resonates with the times we are in right now. I see this so much clearly now. I think to myself that the world is spinning around and there is so much negativity. We all have lost the ability […]
Mail Call – God’s Simple Plan of Salvation
Somehow I think this world would be a better place if more people were compassionate and instead of judgement lead with understanding.
Letting go is not always easy…
Letting go of control is not easy. One of my three words for 2020 was release; another movement and my third is voice. As I write this I see how they are coming into existence much like words in previous years have. Since my BRCA2 diagnosis I have been floundering — spiritually. The Reformed Spiritualist […]
The political turbulent times we are in…
These turbulent times are taking its toll on everyone. My phone lit up like a Christmas Tree last night as one of our bases were being bombed. We sit on edge every day to see what our “leaders” are going to get us into each day. I use the quotes around leaders because I […]
Weekly Affirmation – Trusting Yourself
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
I believe in my skills and abilities.
You can change the world….
So often we hear that we can change the world. Yet we have little that happens in our lives that reinforce that fact. In fact many women are given confusing signals. Like many, I grew up being told to hold my thoughts to myself. What my father said meant what we all were to believe. In […]
Something to think about….
There is something about being bullied. Most of my life I have been. From my childhood family to the school yard then into the workforce and in romantic relationships it has happened. This talk gives you something to think about. How do you deal with a bully without turning into a thug? It is an […]
Things that make you wonder…
I often wonder about people wanting free readings. It amazes me how many times I am asked for them. I find that there is no value put upon my time. I guess a lot of this comes from almost 25 years in the Real Estate business. People will pick my brain for information then when […]
Day 1 of my Journey with BRCA2 Diagnosis
Today I start Journey with BRCA2 diagnosis. George asked that I not publish my story right away… That once I start it will be out there. Right now we need time to really process all that we heard. So when I am ready these posts will go live. Right now they are sitting […]