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productive people

How Productive People Think

How productive people think is something that I find interesting.  If you want to become more productive, it helps to understand how productive people think.  Even if this way of thinking doesn’t come naturally to you, you can adopt these principles and apply them to your own work life.

Priorities matter.

People who are the most productive are clear about their priorities.  They know that some things are more important than others and they’re able to attack the most important things first.

If this isn’t your usual habit, start each day by making a list of tasks and placing them in order of priority.  This will help you to get the most important things done first and even help you to eliminate tasks that really aren’t necessary.

Understanding priorities also makes it easy to delegate tasks and avoid things that might take away from reaching goals.

Plan for success.

Productive people generally make a plan.  They may schedule their next day at the end of the current work day.  This makes it easy to jump right into work the next day without having to take time to decide what’s next on the list.

Eliminate time wasters.

There are many things throughout the day that could threaten to take away from productivity.  Productive people know how to put those time-wasters on the back burner and stick to the important work.

It could be social media, chatty coworkers, emails, text messages, phone calls, or reading online news that prevents you from getting business done.  Set those things aside and schedule a specific time when you’ll allow yourself to participate in those things.

Take responsibility.

People who are productive are happy to take responsibility for both their successes and their failures.  Rather than looking to point the finger at someone else, they make sure to stay accountable for their work.

Learn from mistakes.

When you’re working to be more productive, it helps to understand that mistakes are learning tools.  Productive people are aware that they will make mistakes but they look to learn from them instead of letting mistakes throw them off course or cause them to quit.

Efficient tools.

Productive people also know it’s important to have the right tools to do the job.  That means having a high quality computer, the proper software and even the right desk setup.  When you have what you need in your workspace, it helps you to get more done.

Think about your own productivity levels.  Where can you make changes in your mindset to become more productive?  Small changes can lead to big results.

Rev. Colleen Irwin
Reverend Colleen Irwin is a Wife, Healer, Psychic Medium, Mentor, Author, and Public Speaker from Rochester, New York, with over 30 years of business experience, including her work as a real estate broker. Colleen’s background in training REALTORS honed her skills in conflict resolution, marketing strategies, and analytical as well as presentation skills, which she now applies to her spiritual education and coaching. Colleen teaches, lectures, and serves Spirit, sharing her lifelong connection with the spiritual world, as captured in her book 'Discovering Your Stream.' She has studied with renowned mediums John White and Lisa Williams and was mentored by Reverend Jack Rudy. Ordained in the Order of Melchizedek by Reverend Dan Chesboro, Colleen is also a PREVIVOR who educates others about the BRCA genetic mutation and taking control of their health. Her mission is to empower women through life’s significant changes—whether it be a career shift, parental care giving, health crises, relationship transformations, or spiritual awakenings. Through spiritual education, inspirational talks, and coaching, Colleen offers guidance and hope, helping women embrace their new purpose.
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