Tag: Guides
Weekly Affirmation – Trust the Universe
Trust the universe. It is easily said, but you have to do a lot of work to make it happen. This is where affirmations can help you trust Spirit. This weeks affirmation is as follows: I trust that the Universe will only bring to me the most loving, supportive and amazing relationships! About Weekly Affirmations […]
Interesting Reflection….
I am spending time in reflection today. September 11th in 2001 the world changed as we knew it. It changed my world in ways that I cannot believe happened. I am also happier than it was 15 years ago. There is no security on the earth, there is only opportunity. – General Douglas MacArthur I […]
My First Talk at Lily Dale Assembly
Last minute opportunities happen at an increasing rate lately for me. If you know me, you know that I take a lot of photos. I seem to always want to be behind the camera or as it is in most recent years cell phone taking photos of moments to be remembered. Documenting moments in my […]
Transformation and New Beginnings…
New beginnings are exciting and they are scary. Today is a new start in this transformation of mine. It is not a huge moment. In fact, it is one of those small moments. It is not a specific date, but a mindset for me. I see the world as a beautiful place. There is no […]
The Journey of talks Plan B and C fail; yet I am calm.
The journey I take when I put talks together is interesting. Sometimes it is easy, other times I am at a complete loss. Then there are the times that Spirit has me rewriting until the morning of a talk. I arrive at the podium and what comes out of my mouth looks nothing like what […]
A temporary guide is working with me…
Temporary guide for me. This is part of the process. I am realizing that I need to do a better job connecting with my guides. They are important to me. Now that I am trying I know they are there, but I seem to be having difficulty connecting with them. Jack and Carol have […]
Tarot – Spiritual Journey
Tarot Spiritual Journey I sat quietly just now. There is a website that I like that breaks things down in multiple categories. What was interesting I asked my guides to make me see cards that they wanted me to pay attention to. My guides cards for today and the advice is from a website that […]