Tag: Ethics
Standing up to a bully – Why is it so hard?
I had enough and I am Standing up to a Bully! I have been bullied all of my life. Bullies come in all shapes and sizes, they can be men or women, family, friends, and strangers. It can start out innocently enough and progressively get worse. Often the victim of bullying suffers greatly as a […]
It is Time to Vote!
Today is election day. I have spoken about the importance of voting before. Many people feel it is not necessary to vote, and I believe that you really need to step up and vote. Politics is distasteful and it has paralyzed many. Right now the system is what it is. Work within it […]
Pope Francis following his leadership example
Pope Francis inspires me. I grew up Roman Catholic and he is the second Pope that I can relate to. The first being of course my cousin, John Paul. Well he really isn’t my cousin, but being Polish our family considered him family. But Pope Francis is all things that the religion of Spiritualism is […]
Natural Law Talk – Attunement Spiritualist Chapel
I am very grateful for the opportunity to have spoken on September 3rd regarding Natural Law at the Attunement Spiritual Chapel. It gave me an opportunity to explore and expand my own knowledge regarding the topic. Once you start to gain an understanding on the topic, you begin to grow in ways you cannot comprehend […]
When bad things happen…
Bad things happen. The snow is falling outside. Which has given me time to pause and make sense of what happened this past weekend. It was upsetting, I have learned that letting go of it and not letting it rule the rest of the day is important. It shows unprofessional behavior of a few members of […]
The Sound of Silence – Simon and Garfunkel
Simon and Garfunkel first made this song popular… Last night as I was driving my iTunes was on random and it came on. It took my breath away. The power of it. Recently Distrubed released a rendition that is stunning in its own right. With all that is going on in this world, this was just what I […]