Tag: Development Circles
How Productive People Think
How Productive People Think How productive people think is something that I find interesting. If you want to become more productive, it helps to understand how productive people think. Even if this way of thinking doesn’t come naturally to you, you can adopt these principles and apply them to your own work life. Priorities matter. […]
What is a Natural Born Medium
I originally posted this post about Natural Born Medium on April 17, 2016. Today I think it matters to many. My experience with the Spiritualist Community has taught me much. Many make money on the Training of Mediums. Why when I am around many of them all I hear is cash registers ringing? This constant barrage […]
Be Excellent by Taking Ownership
Be Excellent by Taking Ownership Are you trying to lead a life where you are committed to displaying excellence in everything that you do? This is a wonderful way to lead your life. One way to reach this point is by taking ownership and responsibility for all of your actions. Once you ‘own’ your choices […]
Meditation Crystals
Which Crystals Are Good For Meditation I am often asked what are the best meditation crystals. Meditating takes time and practice to master. The main goal of meditation is often to clear your mind. However, those who experience anxiety and depression, usually find it difficult to clear their minds. Running thoughts interrupt their ability to […]
Pondering all the assistance out there…
Is anyone else experiencing the same frustration? I see a trend and it makes me uncomfortable. I am sitting here with my in-box brimming with all sorts of assistance out there. Of course it is buried in a course or program that the sender is offering for a fee. There are SEO optimization […]
Why do I write about my experiences?
This is stuff that I have learned that Google cannot answer. It is sharing of experiences that we learn lessons and it sharing them we help others on their journey.
Today I will not ___________
I will not tell you what to do. But I want to propose a challenge to you. Today is July 1. Start of a new month and a new idea. How many times do we do little things that affect us negatively? I thought a bit about this and thought what if… Today I will […]
Get Together with our Development Circle Friends
Our Plymouth Development Circle get together has been interrupted due to the International Health Crisis. I am trying to see if anyone wants to continue via on-line. I have set up an account on Zoom. You will need to download the free app on your computer to participate. I look to seeing you very soon. […]
Covid-19 Cancellations as a result of Government Shutdown
Covid-19 has wrecked havoc in all of our lives, resulting in Covid-19 Cancellations. For now this means cancellations of gatherings. This breaks my heart, but it is for the good of all. With that, I am offering phone consultations and working on some sort of Development Circle get-together online. We are living a moment in […]
What is your focus?
This post about focus was originally posted on October 9, 2016. Today I am finding it to be an important reminder for just about everyone I come across these days. I have to remind myself about this — what is my focus? There was a point in time that someone pointed it out to me. […]