Tag: Connection
Alter course…
Sometimes we must alter course in our lives. Things happen to us or for us. It is our choice on which one that is, change is inevitable. It is 4 in the morning and I have had a very busy and intense few days. Our home is quiet and even the cat is snoring. It […]
How to improve your relationships….
How to Improve Your Relationships was originally written in November 2016, I recently came across it and there it was. The reason my life today is better than it was then. Why I have this wonderful relationship with George, why I find that my friendships are deeper and why I am happier. I hadn’t realized […]
Principles Rules & Boundaries Talk – Attunement Spiritualist Church
It is always an honor to speak and I am most grateful for the opportunity to speak on January 21st about Boundaries. We all struggle with healthy boundaries. Many times they are created to keep us safe and other times This talk covers the process of how I use My Three Words and implementing them […]
2018 Year of Connection – Happy New Year!
I have been on a wave of happiness for awhile now. It started by changing my focus on being present in the moment. It resulted in my not writing as much as I have wanted to here. In my personal journals and correspondence with someone I love, I have been writing more than ever. I […]
2018 Three words Exercise
It s time to think of three words for 2018 for me. By the time it was to pick 2018 three words I have become an old pro at it. Trusting that Spirit will guide me where I need to be. Today, I want to share how picking three words has changed me and […]
It is Time to Vote!
Today is election day. I have spoken about the importance of voting before. Many people feel it is not necessary to vote, and I believe that you really need to step up and vote. Politics is distasteful and it has paralyzed many. Right now the system is what it is. Work within it […]
Weekly Affirmation – Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving can bring a lot of stress and even more emotional wounds from the past. The pressure for everything to be the perfect Norman Rockwell painting is a common theme in many families. This year take the pressure off and focus on being grateful. I promise the holiday will be a lot happier for you. […]
Broken Dreams
Broken dreams devestate people. It can crush people to the very core. Remants of those broken dreams can be found years after they are shattered. In my travels around Western New York, I see abandoned homes. Homes that at one point were built with a bunch of dreams associated with them. The families had great […]
Weekly Affirmation – Connection
This weeks affirmation is as follows: I feel a sense of connection with the Universe. About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find it helpful to use affirmations. I personally find using the same affirmation for 7 days more effective, so I will share them each Thursday with you. You may ask why Thursday, well it usually […]
Wednesday Night Healing Service at Lily Dale
Prayer for Spiritual Healing I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force to remove all obstructions from my mind and body and to restore me to perfect health. I ask this in all sincerity and honesty and I will do my part. I ask this Great Unseen Healing Force to help both present and absent ones […]