Tag: Boundaries
Weekly Affirmation – Release Negativity
The release of negativity is something we all struggle with. We are surrounded by it. This is where affirmations are a great help. Sometimes, it is just a matter of changing how we think that creates the change we desire. This weeks affirmation is as follows: I Release All Negativity And Hold Joy In My […]
Deal With Rejection
How to Deal With Rejection and Bounce Back Stronger Than Ever How does one deal with rejection? Rejection is hard to swallow, but it doesn’t have to be. There are all types of rejection. Your idea might be rejected from work. You might be rejected for a date. Maybe your latest novel was rejected by […]
Manage Your Energy
Tips on How to Manage Your Energy Levels The varying degrees of your energy level can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Sometimes you have to have the energy to complete a task or activity and other times you seem to have the most energy when you’re trying to relax. If you can […]
Spiritual Retreat 2021 – Ripley NY
This past weekend I had the honor of leading a Spiritual Retreat at the historic Hamilton Mansion in Ripley NY for New World Nomad. There was a lot of planning and I must thank both Stephanie and Bethany for how this came together! If you get the opportunity to do one of their events (Costa […]
Count Your Blessings
Count Your Blessings was originally written on November 15, 2017. It is important to note that I have never officially been notified as to what happened. I have had several people off the record say they were sorry. One of the first songs I heard in a Spiritualist Church was Count Your Blessings and it […]
What is family?
So what is family? There is the family you are born into and their is the family you create. It seems that a lot of people today are struggling with family. I know I am and it is brutal. There are so many reasons why families break apart and bind together. The basic problems […]
Weekly Affirmation – Friendship Boundaries
Friendship boundaries are important. Good friends don’t mind, and people that are not friends need them. It is an honest way to control the interactions with others. This week’s affirmation is as follows: I am allowed to be selective in choosing friendships that are for my greater good. About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find […]
Accepting People Where THEY Are At…
The next time you feel the need to judge someone stop for a moment and think about what you are going to say. Sometimes keeping your mouth shut is the best thing you can do.
Weekly Affirmation – Personal Safety
Personal safety is always a concern for me. I think it comes from growing up in a violent household. Where I was always afraid for my own safety. Why it has been so important to make my home a sanctuary. When you struggle with personal safety it is helpful to use affirmations to change your […]
Free Will – Ethics and Mediumship
What is free will? Free will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion. Nobody should try and manipulate how someone should or should not interpret a message given to them from Spirit. A person’s free will should never be messed with. Recently […]