What it means to have the BRCA2 Gene Mutation

Well, actually I have have the gene mutation all my life, it has been a week since I got the results.   I now have a bunch of Dr. appointments to start making decisions.  I go between relief and anger.   Angry that I have waited so long to test knowing my family history.   Relief that I […]

2 mins read

Day 1 of my Journey with BRCA2 Diagnosis

Today I start Journey with BRCA2 diagnosis.    George asked that I not publish my story right away…   That once I start it will be out there.   Right now we need time to really process all that we heard.    So when I am ready these posts will go live.  Right now they are sitting […]

2 mins read

Ways to get out of negative thinking…

Has everyone had enough of the negative thinking that has surrounded us the past couple of weeks?  You know the thoughts that everything is awful, the world is a horrible place and life just sucks.   It is easy to just be negative.   You have to admit it is really easy living with negative thinking.   It […]

1 min read