Oracle vs Tarot? I am often asked the difference between Oracle and Tarot decks. That made stop for a moment. I know that my preference is Tarot, but in looking…
Exploring Peter Gabriel’s Music Through the Lens of Tarot Peter Gabriel has been a favorite artist of mine.  Peter Gabriel has a career that is a rich tapestry of musical exploration,…
As a medium, the more you know, the more Spirit can use to communicate with you.   Tarot cards along with pendulums, runes, astrology and numerology all are tools that Mediums…
Exploring Gretchen Peters’ Music Through the Lens of Tarot Gretchen Peters’ songwriting is renowned for its depth, emotional honesty, and narrative brilliance. Her music captures the human experience in all…
One of the most common question regard tarot cards is that of cheating (be it significant other, friend, business partner or someone wanting to deceive you).  It can be uncomfortable. …

What is Candle Reading?

Glimpses Across the Veil: Spiritualist Candle Reading Why candle reading?  Come the deep midwinter, enigmatic candles flicker in frosted windows—beckoning bonds to those bereft by death’s bitter blade. Seeking solace, the suffering gather in hushed spiritualist temples to attend the candle readings, where love eclipses loss in tallow, smoke, and flame. In this solemn ritual, […]

3 mins read

Embracing Empowerment: A Previvor’s Journey through DIEP Reconstruction

I started writing this back in September, when I wanted to post for Breast Cancer Awareness.  It just didn’t sit right with me and there was so much going on at the time.   As October came and the absolute agony of all the pink, I decided to leave it in draft mode until today.  Perhaps […]

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Celebrate Thanksgiving With Style

How to Celebrate Thanksgiving this year is a popular question.  Thanksgiving traditions in your home can create some of the best memories for years to come. We can all think back to our childhoods and remember certain foods, dishes, games, or ways to give thanks. We grasp onto the wonderful Thanksgiving memories and may try […]

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Ancient Techniques to Quiet Your Mind

Ancient Techniques to Quiet Your Mind For millennia, people have sought methods to quiet their minds. Long before modern technology introduced new distractions into our lives, humans have pursued inner peace. If you’re seeking a method to quiet your mind and achieve inner peace, these four ancient techniques have proven effective even by today’s standards. […]

4 mins read

Using Your Intuition with Tarot

Intuition And Tarot Reading Intuition with Tarot is so very important.  You don’t have to be psychic to use Tarot cards. You do need, however, to be in tune with your intuition. Often that requires us to quiet our minds to allow the information to flow.  More importantly for us to trust what we are […]

3 mins read