How to Turn Your Mess into a Message
The idea of turning your mess into a message can be unthinkable in the depths of grief. Yet there is a way to do so as your healing continues.
Ways People Use Change to Help Others
At some point, you’re going to come to terms with your changes. The tough ones feel very messy when you are going through them but one day, after you’ve moved through the grief and loss cycle, you’ll come to the place of acceptance. In this place comes the opportunity to make your mess a message.
I’m not sure why some people go through a messy change and never recover. While others go through it and come out the other side determined to use it for benefit. The fact remains that some people make the most of what they have been through and find ways to use change to help others.
Ways to Turn Your Mess into a Message
Writing a book
Some people share their journey by writing a memoir or nonfiction book about their story. Perhaps they share the specific journey, or they teach what they learned along the way. Writing a book is a good way to leave a legacy and help unlimited people who may need support.
Public speaking
From keynotes to small table talks, public speaking is a great way to share a message and make an emotional impact on others face-to-face. Public speaking offers an intimate way to send a message and make a big impact.
The art of Blogging is a lot like writing a book but can include dialogue with people who appreciate the message and resonate with what is being said. Blogging can be a very intimate way to connect with others and keep fresh information circulating about your story.
Creating a foundation or charity
Depending on the nature and scope of your message, you may want to begin an organization that deals directly with what you have overcome. Starting a new charity or business that serves a specific population can mean large amounts of people benefit from your efforts.
Once the dust has settled and you have waded through the difficult times, there’s a chance for you to make your mess into a message. To give bigger meaning to the lessons you’ve learned and pay forward the benefits you have found. This is a wonderful way to give meaning to the pain you experienced. Turn something that may have been totally unwelcome and unwanted but you embraced nonetheless. Enjoy the rewarding feeling of turning that which could have stopped you into something that made you unstoppable.