Category: About Mediumship
This is a safe place to learn about Mediumship. When you are called to it –it can be scary, it doesn’t have to be. I remember coming into this power and not sure of what it all meant. Or watching a medium and wondering if I could be that accurate. I am here to tell you that yes, you can and your purpose will evolve as you do.
Learning about Mediumship is one that can bring you great joy. If you find yourself struggling with a teacher — find another. You should feel safe and encouraged. Frustration is part of the process as you and your guides find a way to communicate. I promise you at some point you will stop trying to figure out how and just do.
So take what you can from here and apply it to your life.
Service to others happens in many ways…
I have a career that is dedicated to service. It is a good one, Real Estate is full of changes every day. I love the challenges it brings me being part of helping people find their forever homes or into a larger home. I struggle when they have a home to sell because of […]
The book is closer to being ready for print!!!!!!
You would think I am 5 years old excited about the visit from Santa Claus and all the magic that surrounds that time leading to Christmas morning. Right now that is how I feel with the preparations for the book to be final and I can hold it in my hands. The only difference […]
Ask for signs and they will appear
I often ask for signs from Spirit. They don’t always appear as I think. Last night I was on the phone with a good friend of mine in San Diego bringing her up to date on what is going on with my book and her plans to come for a visit in July. Lenore […]
When bad things happen…
Bad things happen. The snow is falling outside. Which has given me time to pause and make sense of what happened this past weekend. It was upsetting, I have learned that letting go of it and not letting it rule the rest of the day is important. It shows unprofessional behavior of a few members of […]
Love, Light & Healing Psychic Fair
I am excited to be working with a great group of Mediums this weekend! So many I have worked with over the past couple of years. It is so exciting to get to the venue early and catch up with everyone! Both Jack and I will be doing a Gallery at 11am together bringing message […]
Dealing with all the hate and anger out there…
Hate shows up in the strangest places. Innocent enough Facebook post I made yesterday. I was in a mood that I missed the kinder days of Facebook. After seeing a deluge of negative posts about 45 that were only adding to the fear and anxiety of the world. It turned into a hateful post. One that […]
Will I see you at the Statler on Sunday?
I will be at this great event on Sunday… The Doors open at 11am and I will be doing readings starting right at 11am. So get there a few minutes early and sign up for a reading with me. Want to pre-book and schedule that reading before getting there? Visit the booking page. I have a […]
Development Circle – Fredonia NY
This class in Fredonia has stopped running the 3d Tuesday in September 2017. Watch our calendar for upcoming classes. Development Circle at Lady of the Lake 29 W Main St Fredonia, New York 1st & 3rd Tuesday 7-8:30pm $10 per person All levels of ability are encouraged to attend and take part in […]
Why Transformation Creates Fear and Stops Us
Transformation is never easy. We all know this first hand. Right now, I struggle with change in my life. They are never easy. For me it is particularly difficult I over think it all. To handle changes in our life with grace is not always easy. As humans we stumble in the process. We make […]
Insead of Finding Meaning it is really Forcing Meaning
The difficulties we face help define who we are. The traumas we have experienced help us develop who we are and forging our reality. It doesn’t make what is wrong right. It helps us accept and move forward.