How Great Leaders Inspire Action

I look around and see leadership shortcomings everywhere.   I see it in non-profit organizations, business, professional associations and even in churches.   Even in families I see it. Very few people understand their purpose.   Why their organization exists.   So it is very hard to communicate your value to the end consumer. People don’t buy what you […]

1 min read

Walking the walk isn’t easy; Do it anyways!

Walking the walk you talk is not too common.  Sometimes I think that REALTORS are some of the most Spiritual people I know.  Bear with me, as I give you an example from my professional experience.  I promise, it will make sense about Spirituality. A long time ago back in the early days of my […]

4 mins read

There is someone that needs to hear this….

Music Speaks to Everyone Hear this song and you are empowered, and confident by the end.  This song gave me strength when I needed it the most.   For that I am grateful to Amanda Marshall.  When I lacked the confidence that I could do something wonderful for someone else.   That I had this awesome gift […]

1 min read

What would happen if we focused on people’s strengths?

Spend more time in your strengths to become happier….  What would happen if we focused on the strengths people have instead of the focus of what we cannot do.   There is power is connecting with your strengths. So take some time and live in curiosity.   Tap into your strengths.   Think about it.  Don’t think about […]

1 min read