Category: Health & Wellbeing
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Psychology students are taught Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The Hierarchy of Needs is one of the most widely accepted theories of human development. Unlike other theories, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based on positive experiences and potential growth. Today, researchers have updated Maslow’s theory but continue to use his model […]
What is low impact living?
Low Impact Living – What Is It? Have you ever heard the phrase low impact living and wondered what it is? It almost sounds like it means you live your life not moving around a lot. That’s not exactly it, though. Low impact living refers to the amount of impact you have on the planet. […]
Unhappy Life? Try Some Self-Care
How the Lack of Self Care Can Lead to an Unhappy Life Are you living an unhappy life? Self-care is often seen as a luxury, but did you know it can lead to a longer, happier life? Without self-care, you’re likely to end up feeling stressed, tired, and generally unhappy. Here, we’ll look at how […]
Develop Mental Toughness Through Physical Fitness
Develop Mental Toughness Through Physical Fitness Although different aspects of your being operate independently, they’re still connected. At some point, they come together to create the best being possible. That explains why your physical and mental states are co-related. Balance in one area is easily transferred to another. Are you experiencing situations that put a […]
The Benefits of Meditation and Prayer in Everyday Life
The Benefits of Meditation and Prayer in Everyday Life Let’s face it our everyday life is hectic and sometime chaotic at best. We often over schedule ourselves to the point of exhaustion. Is your daily routine so busy and full of activities that it’s causing you stress and agitation? We’ve all heard of the health […]
What is Toxic Positivity and how it may affect you!
If you’re being influenced by toxic positivity, learn to set healthy boundaries with those who passes judgment on your authentic experience and speak your truth.