Building A Healthy Support System

Basic Human Need: A Healthy Support System Everyone needs a healthy support system. While it is possible to live without one, this can be very hard on you and make living life very difficult. The reason that we all need a healthy support system is that we are social creatures who depend on others. People […]

4 mins read

What Makes a Person a Badass?

Recently in my life someone was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.   The first time I hear from anyone in that circle in years was when they wanted something – prayers and support.  Suddenly there was a call that I needed to support this woman.   In speaking with another member of this person’s tribe, they called this […]

3 mins read

Secrets to Emotional Well-Being

5 Essential Secrets to Emotional Well-Being Emotional well-being is something that we all struggle with at times.  Your emotions help dictate your state of mind. This means that to keep your state of mind intact, it’s necessary to have emotional balance. That way, you can make it through even the toughest times. You can enhance […]

3 mins read

Journaling Gratitude to Increase Your Vibration

Enforce the Gratitude Habit with a Small Journal So how can journaling gratitude improve your life?   Once you get into the habit of contemplating what you’re grateful for each day, it’s time to consider making it a written activity. This can be intimidating for people who don’t like to write or who feel they may […]

4 mins read

Try Gratitude to Improve Your Life

What A Difference A Bit Of Gratitude Makes We are coming up on Thanksgiving and a lot of emphasis is being placed on gratitude.  It can be simply broken down to appreciating the good things in your life. It doesn’t always seem simple, though. When things are hectic or stressful, finding the silver lining can […]

3 mins read

Overthinking Mental Health Symptoms

5 Symptoms of Poor Mental Health from Overthinking Overthinking things can be very hard on a person, keeping you from taking action. This can lead to poor work performance. You probably already know how much overthinking can stall you out and keep you from a happier and more productive life. What you might not realize […]

3 mins read

Organize Your Life – Start Small

How to Organize Your Life to Get More Free Time When someone says “organize your life” what do you think?  Most people feel as if there is too much to do every day and not enough time to do it. But, how does that explain those people who are super-productive and seem to get so […]

6 mins read