Month: October 2023
How often is too often for a reading?
I am asked this question “How often is too often for a reading?” It got me thinking. Most of the people I see I see once and that is it. There are a few that I see again, but they are not very frequent. Most times they had a reading from me in the past […]
Egotism and the Decline of Spiritualism
Egotism Creates Problems Ego is one of the biggest problems in Spiritual Communities. I am sure it has played a factor in every religion. These thoughts are on Spiritualism. I am a Spiritualist, and I have observed a few things over the years. This article was originally published on March 11, 2022, still rings true […]
Weekly Affirmation – Finding a way to be grateful
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I may not understand the good in this situation but it is there.
Let’s talk a little about grief…..
This post about grief was originally written August 19, 2016. Still has great meaning today. This is an intense topic, grief. In my Mediumship I deal with grief on a daily basis. As a human we deal with it at one level or another. Personally I am surrounded by people that are in deep grief […]
Aligning Perception with Vision
Positioning Your Spiritual Practice: Aligning Perception with Vision Perception is everything. Building a business rooted in spirituality—especially as a medium and teacher—requires more than just passion and skill. It requires alignment between how you see yourself and how others experience your work. In my previous career in real estate, I had a clear vision of […]
Natural Law: Guiding Light in a Changing World
Our Changing World The conflict in the Middle East has had me thinking of our changing world. It has taken me back to the study of Natural Law. The Spiritual connection cannot be overlooked. Natural Law, a concept rooted in philosophy and embraced by various spiritual traditions, serves as a timeless guide for individuals seeking […]
Weekly Affirmation – Confidence Begins With Me
When I realized that confidence begins with me, my world started to change. Don’t get me wrong, I love hearing compliments. The difference now is that the opinions of others does not define if I am doing the right thing. I do. As I learn, grow and know what I am doing is right; my […]
Weekly Affirmation – Together in Harmony
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
My body and I are a team working together in harmony.
Habits to Boost Your Self-Confidence
Hey there! We all know that self-confidence plays a big role in our lives. We’ve all had those moments where we wished we’d done things differently, right? Well, what if I told you that you can build confidence by simply adopting a few habits? Imagine feeling more sure of yourself in every decision you make! […]
Differences Between Tarot and Oracle
Tarot and Oracle: What is the Difference? There is a lot of debate about Tarot and Oracle cards. Many feel one is better than another. I believe they both have their place in our lives. Using tarot cards has picked up tremendously recently as spiritual practices themselves are becoming more popular. But what you might […]