Month: November 2022
Don’t Be Afraid of Failure
Are you afraid of failure? Being afraid of failure is something many people experience. Nearly 33% of Americans report that fear of failure prevents them from realizing their entrepreneurial dreams. However, failure shouldn’t hold you back. In fact, achieving your goals and realizing your true potential requires it. Most of the success you see around […]
Why Do You Need Self-Care
What Is Self-Care and Why Do You Need It Why do you need self-care? According to most experts, there are at least eight areas of self-care that you need to keep in mind. The categories below will help you optimize each life-area throughout your lifetime. Whether you are part of a large family or not, […]
Some Thanksgiving Advice
I am going to give some Thanksgiving advice regarding family. We all have our own little dynamics. Some bring joy, others well right now there are many who are thinking of ways to avoid their family. I think many people have a problem with these gatherings because of their expectations of the day. Who doesn’t […]
Weekly Affirmation – Faith is Bigger than my Difficulties
When I start to feel overwhelmed, I remember that my faith is bigger than my difficulties. I take refuge in my spiritual beliefs. My faith gives me comfort. It lights my way through the darkness. When I read about war and crime, I remember that there is also good in the world. When I experience […]
Questions to ask before joining a Spiritual Church
Before joining a Spiritualist Church you may have questions. Not all Spiritualist Churches are equal. In fact there are some that are on the brink of total chaos. You may just not see it at a single visit or even after a few. Too often, it is after you have joined that the cracks become […]
Not Everyone Looks Forward to Thanksgiving
Not everyone looks forward to Thanksgiving. Some people, myself included, associate the holiday not as a joyous one but one to survive. This year, I am feeling it deeply. I grew up in a huge messy family. We all have splintered across the US. The memories of cooking for days, going to the Broadway Market […]
Try Gratitude to Improve Your Life
What A Difference A Bit Of Gratitude Makes We are coming up on Thanksgiving and a lot of emphasis is being placed on gratitude. It can be simply broken down to appreciating the good things in your life. It doesn’t always seem simple, though. When things are hectic or stressful, finding the silver lining can […]
Affirmation for the Week – Do Anything
You can do anything if you believe. If you do not believe in yourself, you should not expect others to believe in you. While it’s true that you might be struggling with self-belief, you can take charge of your life by saying this positive affirmation to yourself daily. This weeks affirmation is as follows: I […]
Self-Care Blind Spots
Common Blind Spots When Working on Self Care There are some self-care blind spots I want to talk about. When it comes to working on self-care, all of us have different blind spots. These are basically aspects of our ourselves that aren’t fully aware of. It could be personality traits, feelings, or actions. These blind […]
Take Control of Your Life
Four Steps to Taking Control of Your Life At some point in your life, and maybe even now, you will feel like you lost control of it or that someone else is taking control. This is normal, and many people go through this period in life more than once. No matter how hard or scary […]