Why Readings Can Be Confusing

Readings are interpretive.   Why readings can be confusing are dependent on various factors.  You have the person giving them the Medium, the sitter and Spirit.   If you ever receive a reading from a Medium, and you don’t fully understand a message, let yourself take it and mull over it. You never know when those details […]

5 mins read

How to Create More Productivity and Focus

The First Hour of Your Day Who doesn’t want more productivity out of their day?  What’s the first thing you do when you get started each morning? For many of us, it’s a rush to the PC to check email, which leads to immediately getting bogged down in routine and “have to do” tasks. The […]

4 mins read

Brain Fog is Real

COMMON CAUSES OF BRAIN FOG & HOW TO OVERCOME THEM Brain fog is exactly what it sounds like. A fog that clouds your thoughts, memory, comprehension, and judgment. Brain fog can affect your sleep, professional life, personal relationships, and lead to other health problems such as obesity. When you lack mental clarity, you make poor […]

3 mins read

Affirmation – Free of Hesitation

Do you want to be free of hesitation?  Start using affirmations.   Change how you speak to yourself.  Use talk like this:  Today, I realize my opinion is important and meaningful. I continue to share my thoughts boldly and confidently. Think: I am free of hesitation. I know my opinion matters. Remember to say:  I am […]

1 min read

Powerful Benefits of Breaking Bad Habits

Powerful Benefits of Breaking Bad Habits It’s obvious when habits start to consume your life. While as obvious as it is, that doesn’t mean doing the work to improve it is easier. Breaking bad habits requires change, and even if it’s a good change, it can be uncomfortable or intimidating to get started. It requires […]

2 mins read