Month: June 2021
Weekly Affirmation – Facing the Unknown
Facing the unknown means that there will be fear. It is our challenge to control that fear and direct our futures positively.
The fear of losing love…
Fear of losing love is one of the things us human’s struggle with. Let go and trust that something else is coming to fill our purpose.
Do you ever just daydream?
Daydream? You have read that right. You need to daydream. Daydreaming is something I seem to be doing lately. You know the kind that you would do as a kid when there was not much going on and it would be a beautiful summer day and you would be alone for one reason or another. […]
Are you a Victim of Spiritual Jealousy?
Spiritual Jealousy is a real thing in the Spiritual community and a very uncomfortable conversation. Be it in any community – Spiritual, Jewish, Christian and even eastern traditions. It happens in groups, associations, assemblies and churches. This is an ugly reality we face walking a true Spiritual path, the jealousy of others. Not to say […]
Weekly Affirmation – This Challenge
This is where affirmations are a great help. This weeks affirmation is as follows: I face this challenge with strength. I will get through this challenge. About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find it helpful to use affirmations. I personally find using the same affirmation for 7 days more effective, so I will share them […]
Finding Real Love is a Matter of Mindset
We are during a time of resolutions and fresh start, especially when it comes to real love. Many are seeking that perfect relationship and as a result may be tired and frustrated. The holidays have past and soon Valentine’s Day will be upon us. If you are single, you may be wondering if you will […]
Weekly Affirmation – Stay Focused
Who doesn’t struggle with staying focused these days? Our input is multiple sources at one time, we consume information all day long. We are used to multiple screens and being distracted throughout the day. When was the last time you took a ride in your car and just enjoyed the scenery and the music on […]