Year: 2020
Learning to Understand Others Means Tolerance
It is scary that so few people take the time to truly understand someone else and their beliefs. Instead of tolerance there is judgement, hate and a division among people.
If I were the Devil
I saw this a little while ago and it gave me pause. It is something to think about… There is all this divide in the world and media fanning the flames. Paul Harvy had this commentary back in the 60’s. It makes you think doesn’t it?
Palliative Care – Is it right for you?
Palliative care is an important thing to be discussing with our loved ones. A conversation that needs to happen, but doesn’t always happen before you can’t ask. But we do not discuss this. It is an uncomfortable conversation and most people do not want to deal with the realities of the end of their life. […]
Weekly Affirmation – Trust the Journey
Trust your journey they say. It isn’t always all that easy when everything seems to go wrong. But having faith is what we need the most when things go wrong. Affirmations can help with that. This week’s affirmation is as follows: I am learning to trust the journey that I am on. About Weekly Affirmations […]
What is Spiritualism
At times I write about various topics regarding Spiritualism and what it is and means to me. As a teen my Grandmother on my Mother’s side of the family would always say I am not Religious, I am Spiritual. There was deep divide between the two sides of my family about Religion. At the time I […]
Today I will not ___________
I will not tell you what to do. But I want to propose a challenge to you. Today is July 1. Start of a new month and a new idea. How many times do we do little things that affect us negatively? I thought a bit about this and thought what if… Today I will […]
Great Plants for Shady Balcony
Finding great plants for a shady balcony is not always easy. I have lived in many apartments in my lifetime. I also have sold Real Estate. In a spiritual life, having plants surrounding you is helpful. Living in an apartment removes you from nature and you want to have some close by. It may […]
How existing fortune-telling laws may affect you…
Why are there fortune-telling laws? To all of those Metaphysical Professionals out there that are charging to remove negative entities from a home you may want to rethink your business. At least in New York state. I see and hear many things at psychic fairs and at various gatherings of Metaphysical people and I […]
Colleen’s Golden Chicken
I make Golden Chicken often in the winter for George and myself. Since we both drink rarely, I have gotten into a habit of planning this meal right after we have opened a bottle of white wine and use the leftover wine. Hence why I use half a bottle of dry white wine. I use […]
Letting go of fear can set you free…
Letting go of fear. We all have had someone tell us that if you could just let go of fear everything will be okay. Which immediately results in us feeling even more fearful and our anxiety levels increase ten fold. Seriously — think about it it makes no logical sense and it makes complete sense […]