Year: 2020
Getting Back Into Spiritual Practice
My Spiritual Practice is evolving to where it needs to be to serve others more effectively. That is exactly what I am doing now — growing and thriving in a time of great stress.
Weekly Affirmation – Dealing With Rejection
“I Am Not Afraid Of Rejection — It Makes Me Stronger”
Imagine by John Lennon
I was driving today by myself and lost in thought when the song Imagine by John Lennon started to play. As I was passing a church, so I thought well that is rather interesting timing. I had gotten an email from one of my friends the night before and we had been discussing back and […]
Spirituality and Religion — same or different?
Originally written in 2016, this continues to be a popular post the question so powerful about religious people. Are you Religious or Spiritual? This is a post that has sat in draft since March, each day I come to it and write something, edit something out, fix a sentence or exit without making a change. […]
Understanding Others; Especially those that offend us…
Understanding others is a running theme. I originally wrote this back on May 3, 2016. In reviewing old posts I found this. It is just as relevant today as then, and the negativity we are experiencing in the world are only increasing. I am struggling with something and I need to really formulate it in […]
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Legacy to Women
The only way we can honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg is to carry forth her legacy of equality, empathy, and justice.
Post Surgery Struggles
I see other women who go through it and it appears so easy for them. Then I see the difference, they are in their 30’s and I am in my 50’s.
Free Will – Ethics and Mediumship
What is free will? Free will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion. Nobody should try and manipulate how someone should or should not interpret a message given to them from Spirit. A person’s free will should never be messed with. Recently […]
Time to Get Political
Our nation was founded to be a kinder, gentler place where all could prosper. Regrettably we have slipped into patterns that are dangerous to that end goal. If we do not speak out, it will continue in a way that will only serve the few. Use our voices, and more importantly vote this November to end this insanity.
Having Faith is Deeply Personal
Having Faith is Personal What does it really mean by having faith? Is it something Religious or is in more something that we carry deep within ourselves? Should it be something we blindly follow or something we should challenge. It is Sunday morning so it is a good time to ask these questions. For years […]