Having Faith is Deeply Personal
Having Faith is Personal
What does it really mean by having faith? Is it something Religious or is in more something that we carry deep within ourselves? Should it be something we blindly follow or something we should challenge.
It is Sunday morning so it is a good time to ask these questions. For years I confused Religion and Faith as the same thing. As I grow spiritually I have learned they are two very different concepts.
Faith has everything to do with our own beliefs. Religion is someone else’s beliefs that you live.
I guess that is why I struggle with so many organized religions, including Spiritualism. They put a layer between myself and God (or insert Spirit, The Devine, Goddess, Mother, Father or Infinite Intelligence — how you define doesn’t matter).
It is Powerful
It can move mountains, heal people, help when all is lost. Most importantly faith is a tie that binds. With great power comes great responsibility. Blind following religion or doctrine without personal responsibility is wrong. What matters in the end is how gently we walk this earth, how we treat others and ourselves.
Our own individual relationship with God, and what that means to us. That is what is important. Not a religion or what someone else tells us what God wants for us. This is a powerful distinction so many forget.