Year: 2018
Mercury in Retrograde -March 22 – April 15, 2018
March 22 – April 15, 2018 is in fire-sign Aries we enter Mercury in Retrograde again. Some people fear it, others embrace it. I choose to embrace Mercury in Retrograde. Take time to reflect and learn from experiences that I have had since the last time we experienced a Mercury in Retrograde. Retrograde motion is an […]
Weekly Affirmation – This too shall pass
If I had a dollar for every time I heard “this too shall pass” and I got angry at the person that said it, I could retire. It is an annoying phrase when you are in the thick of bad happening. As my life has improved, I have seen that I had to change […]
A review of the Laws of Karma
Karma is a concept that many do not understand. Here is a great explanation of it.
Thank you Spirit of the Storm Radio!
Last night I had a great time with my good friend Rev. Mario on his radio show – Spirit of the Storm Radio. We discussed parts of my book and we gave several readings through the show. There was a discussion of ethics and rates some mediums are charging. I happened yesterday on one Medium’s […]
Winter – A time to slow down
Winter is not my favorite time of the year. I am all about spring, summer and fall. Love those three seasons. Winter, I am not a fan of and I was born in the winter. Driving last month with my mentor to Erie where he was speaking we were talking about all the snow. […]
More about signs from Spirit
I wrote this awhile ago about signs from Spirit are around if you are willing to accept them. These signs from Spirit may be loud and clear; then again they may be subtle. Today, I can tell you that I understand what happened. I now work directly with the person’s Gatekeeper — I no […]
Weekly Affirmation – I am worthy of success
I am worthy of success, so are you! This is a mindset so many do not have and struggle. To change your mindset, you need affirmations. Try them. They worked for me. This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am worthy of success. About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find it helpful to use affirmations. […]
Happy Valentine’s Day – The Valentine Quandary
Today there are several people that are cringing because they do not have a Valentine. Just look in any direction and today there are tons of reminders of love. For weeks now you couldn’t walk into a store or turn on the TV without a commercial idealizing romance. Even I have written a post or […]
The negativity surrounds all of us….
This was originally posted on August 10, 2016, it seems still important to talk about. I have been seeing a disturbing trend in the people closest to me, in my real estate practice, in the spiritual community, in my local, state and national governments and I am pretty sure globally. In my Mediumship I connect with those […]
Weekly Affirmation – Speak up!
I have been the person who was afraid to speak up. It has taken me some time to find my voice and the strength to do so. I attribute a lot of the success to the use of affirmations. Affirmations changed my thinking to a more positive way. This weeks affirmation is as follows: It […]