What do you want? Ask for it! Go after it!
Ask for it! What do you want? Fear is an ugly emotion. It will stop you from asking for what you want in life. Why is it as humans that we allow fear to stop us from the things we desire?
Fear colors our world in drab gray. It stops us from being fully happy. Why we allow fear so much power in our decisions I will never really understand. It stops you from living in joy. Joy that we are meant to experience.

So instead of having regret why not eliminate fear and start asking for what we really want? It is part of who you are and you deserve that happiness.
Ask for it!
Perhaps you are like me, raised to not ask for anything. That it is something that is not acceptable. That you should be grateful for what you get. I know that has stopped me more times that I want to admit.
Try it, ask for what you desire. You may be happier because of it. Dream big! Go for it! The only thing stopping you is YOU. It can be scary. I understand completely the fear that you are experiencing right now.
You can and will do it!