Unhooking Information: Building Trust in Mediumship
We often forget about unhooking information as we give messages. As mediums, we receive a flood of information through all of our senses—images, sounds, feelings, and even smells. Spirit communicates in various ways, often delivering multiple pieces of evidence at once. This can sometimes overwhelm us, leading to the temptation to connect the dots and create a story. But weaving these details together can be risky. When we assume how the pieces fit, we may get it wrong, and that’s where the connection with both Spirit and the sitter can falter.
Unhooking Information
By unhooking information and delivering each piece separately, we allow the sitter to take ownership of the story. This approach not only ensures accuracy but also strengthens the message. When a medium gets a small detail wrong—no matter how unintentional—it can make the sitter less likely to accept any of the correct information that follows. However, when the sitter is given the opportunity to make sense of the details, the power of the message is magnified.
For instance, if you feel warmth and see an image of a dog, it’s tempting to say, “I’m seeing a dog that passed in the summer.” But if the sitter can’t connect with that specific phrasing, they might disconnect from the reading entirely, even if the details were accurate. Instead, by delivering each piece separately—“I’m feeling warmth” and “I’m seeing a dog”—the sitter can build the story. They might respond, “Yes, my dog passed when I was in school, and it was a significant event for me, we were always inseparable during my summer break from school.” Letting the sitter connect the dots brings more depth and resonance to the message.
Just as important as unhooking information is the practice of slowing down and practicing the pause when delivering messages. Mediums often feel a sense of urgency, especially when information floods in quickly. However, by slowing down and pausing between details, you allow the recipient time to process what you’ve shared. This not only gives the sitter space to reflect but also prevents overwhelming them with too much information at once. The pause can be as powerful as the message itself, helping both you and the sitter stay in the flow of the reading.
Have Patience With Yourself
Practicing patience and trusting the information you receive from Spirit are key aspects of mediumship. Even if the recipient doesn’t immediately understand a message, you might be planting a seed that will make sense later. Spirit communicates for a reason, and it’s essential to trust that each piece of evidence is valuable, even if it feels fragmented in the moment.
Ultimately, unhooking information, slowing down, and practicing the pause all work together to strengthen your connection with both Spirit and the sitter. By allowing the sitter to build the story, the message becomes more powerful and meaningful. Trusting the flow of information and resisting the urge to create a narrative ensures that both the sitter and Spirit feel validated in the process.