The Devastating Effects of Heroin
Heroin is a nasty drug. I sit here after reading “He was a Good Boy” over at the Buffalo News Blog by Bruce Andriatch. There is no connection to him or the family the buried someone last week due to a heroin overdose. What I know is that several people that are affected by family members and their slippery slope with drug addiction.
Tears pour down my face. It is late, and I am tired. I was drawn to this post from Twitter for a reason. Perhaps I can help make a difference and share this story.
Sometimes being clairsentient isn’t so great. Just reading a story of grief, I can feel the emotions of the writer, his friend and the boy they lost. Each grasping to understand what happened and how they could have done things differently.
Heroin Devastates Everyone
I don’t know this boy, but I have given messages from those that have died from this horrible drug. Trust me, trying to comfort someone who has lost a loved one to this drug is not easy. Often they show up at the Wednesday Night Healing Service at Lily Dale looking for answers. The last family I spoke with also lost a son to this horrible drug; I still pray for them. They too kept saying “he was a good boy.” Every time that I have to deliver a message it is that of apology and love.
As a Medium, it comes with the territory. I help people heal from a devastating loss. Sadly so many of these stories come after valiant efforts to come clean. We are seeing an increase in this problem, it is not going away. As Bruce wrote:
The death toll just keeps rising. Eleven people each week are victims of suspected heroin and opiate overdoses in Erie County. If this keeps up, and there is little reason to think it won’t, the number will approach 600 this year.The shocking numbers have forced us to pay attention, and it’s good that elected officials are talking and that resources are being spent to try and do something.
I don’t have the answers, but we all really need to become aware and do something. Elected Official just talking are not going to make this problem go away. I too hope that you never have to feel the effects of such a loss.