Martin Luther King Jr. and the Power of Spirituality

Martin Luther King Jr. is widely celebrated for his civil rights leadership. His deeply rooted spirituality lay at the heart of his actions. His faith, courage, and belief in justice transformed not only the course of history but also the way we understand the connection between spirituality and social change. As King himself once said, […]

4 mins read

The Effect Core Values, Beliefs, and Vision Have on Your Personal Development

Every person alive has a set of core values and beliefs about life that influences the vision they have of the future and even sometimes the past. These core values and beliefs are often developed in childhood and can be strongly tilted toward success or failure, as well as abundance or lack. You get a […]

4 mins read

Aligning Perception with Vision

Positioning Your Spiritual Practice: Aligning Perception with Vision Perception is everything.  Building a business rooted in spirituality—especially as a medium and teacher—requires more than just passion and skill. It requires alignment between how you see yourself and how others experience your work. In my previous career in real estate, I had a clear vision of […]

6 mins read

Clairvoyance – Clear Vision

The term clairvoyance (from French “clair” meaning “clear” and “voyance” meaning “vision”) refers to the ability to gain visual telepathic information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses. It is often called ESP or extrasensory perception. The power of perceiving things beyond the natural range of […]

1 min read

What’s my vision?

My Vision is Cloudy My vision statement hasn’t changed in years.   Part of my 30 day writing challenge has been setting goals and understanding where writing is taking me.  It is amazing to be asked what is my vision.   My vision, regarding writing, professional and personal.   It is funny as I review what I have […]

3 mins read