Tag: Signs We See
Using Tarot Cards as a Mediumship Tool
As a medium, the more you know, the more Spirit can use to communicate with you. Tarot cards along with pendulums, runes, astrology and numerology all are tools that Mediums use. Some may use one or all. It is a matter of comfort for the Medium. Tarot is the most popular divination too due to […]
How Mediums Receive Information – Quick Review
I am often asked How Mediums Receive Information and I thought this might be a good time to discuss. I took some time to write about the senses Mediums use to communicate. Just thought I would share a complete list of these sense and how they may feel. Granted these are my impressions on the subject, […]
Why Readings Can Be Confusing
Readings are interpretive. Why readings can be confusing are dependent on various factors. You have the person giving them the Medium, the sitter and Spirit. If you ever receive a reading from a Medium, and you don’t fully understand a message, let yourself take it and mull over it. You never know when those details […]
Clairvoyance – Clear Vision
The term clairvoyance (from French “clair” meaning “clear” and “voyance” meaning “vision”) refers to the ability to gain visual telepathic information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses. It is often called ESP or extrasensory perception. The power of perceiving things beyond the natural range of […]
Reading Tarot for Yourself
How to Read Tarot Cards for Yourself If you wonder, is it okay to provide a tarot reading for yourself, the answer is yes. It is recommended and very beneficial, especially for self-reflection. The primary purpose is to give you access to your intuition, a place/source of your wisdom. The answers to all your questions […]
Quick Review – The Major Arcana
The Major Arcana The classic tarot deck is split up into major arcana cards and minor arcana cards. The major arcana are often seen as the best ones to get and are extremely powerful. They include cards like The Fool, The Star, The Magician, and The Tower. There are 22 cards in all, with a […]
Halloween and Spiritualism for everyone
My friend Celeste Elliott wrote this and it is a great explanation of Spiritualism and Halloween. So since I cannot do a better job and she has given permission to share, I thought that I would. Halloween is a special time of the year and so many wonderful family memories are made during this time. […]
Weekly Affirmation – Gut Instincts
Your gut instincts are there for a reason. Have you every had a feeling that you should or should not do something then later regret not following that gut instinct? How about trying an affirmation to change your mindset? This week’s affirmation is as follows: I stop negating my gut instincts, and promise to […]
Another Surgery ?*@!
I am facing yet another surgery this month in my BRCA journey. I am so tired of it. The last thing I want is yet another surgery. Yet that is where I am at. This time it is revision surgery. Take care of some of the bumps and imperfections away from my body after 4 […]
Learning to Understand Others Means Tolerance
It is scary that so few people take the time to truly understand someone else and their beliefs. Instead of tolerance there is judgement, hate and a division among people.