Navigating Attacks on Your Beliefs: A Guide to Graceful Responses

Navigating attacks on your beliefs is not something we talk about enough and perhaps we should. Such confrontations often come at the most inconvenient times, catching us off guard. Unfortunately, we don’t discuss this enough in spiritual communities, leaving many unprepared for these challenging interactions. While discussing these interactions won’t make past experiences better, it […]

8 mins read

The Role of Privilege in Spirituality: Examining Power Dynamics in Mediumship

Exploring Privilege in Spiritualism: Making Spirituality Accessible for All We hear a lot about privilege these days. My husband and I talk about it frequently. As I explore the history of Spiritualism, I see it played out. Spirituality is for everyone, but it is not easily accessible to everyone.  There are so many things that […]

2 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – Trusting Oneself

Trusting oneself is not an easy task.  Self doubt, the influence of others all have their impact on our daily decisions.   What if there was a way to counteract this negativity that surrounds us?   This is where affirmations are a great help.   This weeks affirmation is as follows: There is no doubt in […]

2 mins read

Journal Prompts for Personal Growth

When you start a personal growth journey, you will face challenges, make discoveries, and learn valuable lessons about yourself. One of the most crucial parts of this process is self-reflection. To do this you should journal.  This involves asking yourself some tough questions to help you understand your feelings, desires, and actions better. Here are […]

2 mins read

Connecting to the Divine Feminine During Menopause

Connecting to the Divine Feminine During Menopause What does the divine feminine have to do with the end of our menstrual cycle?  Menopause is often seen as the end of one cycle, but it’s also a powerful doorway into another—a deeper connection to the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine represents intuition, creativity, nurturing, and the […]

4 mins read

The Myth of Perfection: Embracing Imperfection and Vulnerability in Spiritual Growth

So many of us in our spiritual growth think that perfection is the goal.  We often compare ourselves to others and beat ourselves up for not being like them.   When in reality we are not them, and our spiritual growth will be different.   It is about embracing our imperfection and being vulnerable is part of […]

3 mins read

Cultural Sensitivity in Mediumship

In the realm of Mediumship, the importance of cultural sensitivity cannot be overstated. As mediums, our work involves connecting with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.  Each with their own unique traditions, beliefs, and perspectives. It is essential that we approach our practice with humility, openness, and a deep respect for the richness of cultural diversity. […]

2 mins read

Tapping into your Senses: Subjective and Objective

Subjective and Objective Mediumship: Tapping into Your Spiritual Senses Have you ever heard of subjective and objective in reference to Mediumship?  In the world of mediumship, one of the most profound realizations comes from understanding how we receive information from spirit. As mediums, we process these messages in different ways, and this can often be […]

3 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – My Soul is Tranquil

If your soul and mind aren’t healthy, there’s no way you can have a healthy body. One of the reasons why you get ill is because your ѕubсоnѕсіоuѕ and conscious consents are powerful enough to upset things for you. This weeks affirmation is as follows: My soul is tranquil, my mind is brilliant, and my body […]

1 min read