Overcoming Darkness in Your Life

Overcoming Darkness in Your Life and Replacing it With Joy Overcoming darkness has been a life long struggle for me.   I get it.  There are times in life when something bad happens to create the most profound darkness you’ve ever experienced. It takes a toll on you, and you feel like you’ll never overcome it. […]

3 mins read

Escape the Need to be Perfect

Escape the Need to be Perfect I always have to fight the need to be perfect in all I do.  If you’re a perfectionist, you probably find that it’s a challenging way to live. In most cases, it’s a road to disappointment and dissatisfaction. It can also have a negative effect on the relationships in […]

3 mins read

Spiritual Retreat 2021 – Ripley NY

This past weekend I had the honor of leading a Spiritual Retreat at the historic Hamilton Mansion in Ripley NY for New World Nomad.   There was a lot of planning and I must thank both Stephanie and Bethany for how this came together!    If you get the opportunity to do one of their events (Costa […]

1 min read

An Important Lesson About Letting Things Go

This story explains so much to me about letting go of things that we are burdened with.   That many times it takes something so simple to bring us to a better place in our thinking. Two monks were on a pilgrimage. One day, they came to a deep river. At the edge of the river, […]

1 min read

The Human Experience – Dealing with Conflict

I have been fearless in my willingness to admit my failings and have found compassion in several instances in my life.   I must be steadfast in my trust that the Universe has this and that by being loving and compassionate all will be as it needs to be.

5 mins read

Don’t call me BRAVE…

Originally I wrote this on March 23, 2019. Today I understand how brave I was to make these decisions about my life.   It was a very difficult two years of my life.  Since then I have learned bravery is pushing through the fear and doing what is necessary.  Even if you are terrified.   In the […]

6 mins read