The Negative Effects of Procrastination on Your Life

Procrastination is a bad habit that can have many negative effects on your life. If not dealt with effectively, procrastination can damage your job, relationships and even your mental health. Why We Procrastinate Studies have shown that more than 20% of people can be described as “chronic procrastinators” who will always put off until tomorrow […]

3 mins read

Taking Control or Letting Go!

Finding Balance: The Art of Taking Control and Letting Go Am I the only person who struggles with taking control in situations?  I often find myself in a constant struggle with taking control. Either I try too hard to control things or I let go and then feel frustrated and angry. This internal tug-of-war can […]

2 mins read

Let Go of Regret: Embrace Your Full Potential

Let Go of Regret: Embrace Your Full Potential We all carry regrets. It’s part of being human. But what if we stopped letting them hold us back from living to our full potential? Regret, while painful, doesn’t have to define us. Instead, it can serve as a wake-up call, reminding us to take the next […]

2 mins read

How to Get Started with Tarot

How to Get Started with Tarot You want to get started with Tarot, but are unsure where to start.   There are many popular forms of divination. Tarot cards are at the top of that list. It is a tool that uses the wisdom and intuition of the universal energy that guides a person’s life.  Tarot […]

4 mins read

Tapping into your Senses: Subjective and Objective

Subjective and Objective Mediumship: Tapping into Your Spiritual Senses Have you ever heard of subjective and objective in reference to Mediumship?  In the world of mediumship, one of the most profound realizations comes from understanding how we receive information from spirit. As mediums, we process these messages in different ways, and this can often be […]

3 mins read

Energy Vampires: How to Spot Them and Protect Yourself

Ever felt emotionally drained after spending time with certain people? You might be dealing with energy vampires. Here’s how to protect yourself. Energy stealers are everywhere! Have you ever felt emotionally drained after spending time with certain people? Energy stealers are everywhere – they could be your family members, your friends, or even your co-workers. […]

7 mins read

Enhancing Your Problem-Solving Skills: A Guide for Career-Oriented Spiritual Practitioners

I am going to say something that may be unpopular with many spiritual practitioners. Too many of us lack the ability to problem-solve. At its core, a problem is an unwelcome situation demanding resolution. Problem-solving, crucial in various activities, spans personal tasks to complex business and technical issues. In the dictionary, a problem is described […]

6 mins read

With great power comes great responsibility

With Mediumship Comes Responsibility: Why Words Matter “With great power comes great responsibility.” This iconic line from Spider-Man resonates deeply when applied to mediumship. Early in my journey, a friend shared this quote with me, and it has stayed with me ever since. Once you understand the impact of your words, you also become responsible […]

3 mins read

Super Blue Moon Tonight

Tonight is the super blue moon, we won’t see this particular lunar twofer again until 2037. That means it is a powerful manifestation tool for those that believe.   I think it is time that I work with the power of the Universe instead of struggling…  Here is my manifestation for this moon. Super Blue Moon […]

3 mins read