Tag: Development Circles
Psychic Centers Opening Prayer
Prayers are powerful I recently heard this opening prayer and though it was lovely. Why pray? It helps with your mindset. It actually changes how you see the world. The focus on on gratitude, and asking the Universe for what you desire. It is a simple formula that works if you are Jewish, Christian, Spiritualist […]
This is really powerful…..
Have you ever wondered how you can improve your speaking? Here are some powerful tips to help you improve. The 7 Deadly Sins of Speaking Gossip Judgment Negativity Complaining Excuses Exaggeration Dogmatism (Facts confused with options) The 4 Cornerstones of great Speaking Honesty – be clear and straight Authenticity – be yourself Integrity – be […]
Ways to get out of negative thinking…
Has everyone had enough of the negative thinking that has surrounded us the past couple of weeks? You know the thoughts that everything is awful, the world is a horrible place and life just sucks. It is easy to just be negative. You have to admit it is really easy living with negative thinking. It […]
Weekly Affirmation – Work Focus
My work is very important to me. I am sure that you feel that way too. If not, you may want to use affirmations to help you move forward. This weeks affirmation is as follows: My work will be recognized in a positive way by my boss and colleagues. About Weekly Affirmations Each week I […]
How important is a Song?
This song has been kicking around me for weeks. I find myself singing it in the most unusual places and it playing in my head all the time. Spirit has a way about making sure that you see things that you need to see. And right now I understand I am to focus on my […]
Development Circle – Fredonia NY
This class in Fredonia has stopped running the 3d Tuesday in September 2017. Watch our calendar for upcoming classes. Development Circle at Lady of the Lake 29 W Main St Fredonia, New York 1st & 3rd Tuesday 7-8:30pm $10 per person All levels of ability are encouraged to attend and take part in […]
It is an honor to be part of a wedding where the couple selects me to officiate at. The ceremony is always unique blend of the two people I am bringing together as one. I have a special one coming up later this month. The couple are friends of mine and they are a beautiful […]
Insead of Finding Meaning it is really Forcing Meaning
The difficulties we face help define who we are. The traumas we have experienced help us develop who we are and forging our reality. It doesn’t make what is wrong right. It helps us accept and move forward.
Inner Peace
Inner peace is something that has eluded me for years. I have always struggled and fought my way through life. Now I step back and choose to be peaceful. It sounds easy, but trust me it was a huge struggle for me. It is for most people. There are so many people around us who […]
Reflections from an exercise in class…
I was lucky to take a class in Lily Dale this summer as a coordinator which the Instructor included us in. It was fun and I learned a lot. On the first day we were given homework. Name three people we admire and write down their attributes that we are drawn to. Write down why […]