Tag: Connection
We all heal at different rates…
Let’s talk about how our bodies heal. I have learned that recovery is different for everyone. While some bounce back, it takes others longer and that’s fine.
Weekly Affirmation – Light of my Soul
Finding the light of my soul is a journey we all are on. It is my hope that affirmations will assist you in this process. This week’s affirmation is as follows: Deep within my being is the light of my soul with a connection to all that is beautiful in this world. About Weekly Affirmations […]
Weekly Affirmations – Discernment in Friendship
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
I am allowed to be selective in choosing friendships that are for my greater good.
The Power of the Written Word
I now understand why some people called me brave. I felt the fear and I pushed forward and did what was necessary. I did not allow fear to rule me. Neither should you.
Something new….
In my recovery from major surgery I am in search of something new. What that is I am not quite sure of. What I am sure is that there are so many changes happening to my body I am not entirely sure how to handle them. I look in the mirror and I want […]
Weekly Affirmation – Letting Go for Higher Good
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I let go of relationships that are no longer for my higher good.
Weekly Affirmation – Letting go of the past
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I forgive those who have harmed me in past and peacefully detach from them
Weekly Affirmation – I forgive myself
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
As I forgive myself and the mistakes I have made; it is easier to forgive others.
Thank you – Cracking the Spiritual Code
I want to thank Randi Sands and her amazing new website Cracking the Spiritual Code for an awesome interview she just posted! Her website went live on February 3rd and it is a beautiful one! But then again, she is an animal communicator — how can anything she does not be so! Randi and I […]
The Power of Consciousness….
The Power of Consciousness is something that I have been pondering lately. Mainly because several people around me are talking about it. What exactly is consciousness? Is it something real? Well that is something for your to ponder. Lately this is a topic that fascinates me. How the brain works, and how we connect. Take […]