There is this lesson….

I am in the middle of a conflict.   It is breaking my heart.  I feel like the pickle in the middle.  I gave a message at church recently to a woman with that statement.  My husband points out particular messages to me on our ride home.   He kept asking me where did I get […]

4 mins read

The political turbulent times we are in…

These turbulent times are taking its toll on everyone.   My phone lit up like a Christmas Tree last night as one of our bases were being bombed.   We sit on edge every day to see what our “leaders” are going to get us into each day.   I use the quotes around leaders because I […]

3 mins read

Something to think about….

There is something about being bullied.   Most of my life I have been.   From my childhood family to the school yard then into the workforce and in romantic relationships it has happened.   This talk gives you something to think about.   How do you deal with a bully without turning into a thug?   It is an […]

1 min read

Observing Conflicts – The truth in two sides to every story

In the past few weeks I have been observing conflicts.   Spirit for one reason or another has felt it necessary for me to see this and make some sense of it for myself.   I have had personal conflicts myself and I have been an outsider observing in several other conflicts. The observing conflicts of others […]

4 mins read