Using Your Intuition with Tarot

Intuition And Tarot Reading Intuition with Tarot is so very important.  You don’t have to be psychic to use Tarot cards. You do need, however, to be in tune with your intuition. Often that requires us to quiet our minds to allow the information to flow.  More importantly for us to trust what we are […]

3 mins read

Building a Spiritual Community That Uplifts

The Importance of Building Community on Your Spiritual Journey Spiritual growth is often seen as a deeply personal path, but no journey is meant to be walked entirely alone. A strong spiritual community provides support, encouragement, and accountability, acting as a mirror for our growth and a safety net during difficult times. However, like all […]

4 mins read

Faith and Spirit: Lessons from My Grandmothers

 Faith and Spirit: Lessons from My Grandmothers I had two wonderful grandmothers, each with a unique perspective on spirituality. One was deeply religious, a devout Roman Catholic, while the other always said, “I am spiritual, but not religious.” Their differing beliefs have profoundly shaped who I am today. The Devout Roman Catholic Grandmother My Roman […]

4 mins read

Bullying Beyond Belief: Identifying and Confronting Toxic Behavior in Church

It often surprises people that there is toxic behavior in Spiritualist Churches.  In the realm of spiritual communities, one might assume that kindness, compassion, and unity prevail. However, just like any other sphere of society, religious organizations are not immune to the scourge of bullying. It’s a topic often brushed under the rug, as we […]

5 mins read

A talk about Belief Systems (AKA: Religion)

Belief Systems are deeply personal.   Many feel very passionately about their belief system.   Too often people get stuck in the dogma and they do not change and grow.  In Religious people, I see that happening all to often.   In many cases it is the traditions that keep thing the same.   As the (insert Religion here) […]

4 mins read

Finding Your Spiritual Home: Discovering the Right Spiritualist Church

Searching for a spiritual home that truly feels like home can be an arduous process. With so many options, it’s tough determining which congregation genuinely aligns with spiritualist principles versus simply paying lip service. As someone who spent years bouncing between various churches and centers seeking the right fit, I want to share some thoughts […]

4 mins read

Egotism and the Decline of Spiritualism

Egotism Creates Problems Ego is one of the biggest problems in Spiritual Communities.   I am sure it has played a factor in every religion.  These thoughts are on Spiritualism.  I am a Spiritualist, and I have observed a few things over the years.  This article was originally published on March 11, 2022, still rings true […]

8 mins read

Questions to ask before joining a Spiritual Church

Before joining a Spiritualist Church you may have questions.   Not all Spiritualist Churches are equal.  In fact there are some that are on the brink of total chaos.   You may just not see it at a single visit or even after a few.  Too often, it is after you have joined that the cracks become […]

6 mins read