Affirmation – Practicing Stillness

Practicing stillness is something that we are not taught.   Many come to it later in life.   That means we have to unlearn some things.   This is where affirmations are a great help.   This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am practicing stillness in my meditation and holding the intention to let go About Weekly Affirmations […]

1 min read

How to Create More Productivity and Focus

The First Hour of Your Day Who doesn’t want more productivity out of their day?  What’s the first thing you do when you get started each morning? For many of us, it’s a rush to the PC to check email, which leads to immediately getting bogged down in routine and “have to do” tasks. The […]

4 mins read

Brain Fog is Real

COMMON CAUSES OF BRAIN FOG & HOW TO OVERCOME THEM Brain fog is exactly what it sounds like. A fog that clouds your thoughts, memory, comprehension, and judgment. Brain fog can affect your sleep, professional life, personal relationships, and lead to other health problems such as obesity. When you lack mental clarity, you make poor […]

3 mins read

Self-Empowerment Goal

How to Identify Your First Self-Empowerment Goal What is self-empowerment?  Being self-empowered means that you have made the conscious choice to control your life – all areas of your life. Instead of being the victim of others, of circumstance, and even of your own negative or limiting thinking, you’ve decided to take life by the […]

3 mins read

Increase Your Energy

How to Increase Your Energy and Productivity Each Day To increase your energy you need to evaluate some things in your life.  Are you stressed out because you have too much to do and not enough time to do it? Maybe it seems that way, but every person on the planet gets the same 24 […]

3 mins read

The First Steps to Change are Hardest

The First Step to Change is to Recognize it is Needed The first steps to changing your life are the hardest.   They feel strange and the struggle is real!  If you’re struggling to make healthier changes in your life, it could be that you’re not convinced a change is needed. Many of us are also […]

3 mins read