Weekly Affirmation – Dealing with Guilt

Dealing with guilt is something we all have to do at one time or another in our life.  Guilt is a natural emotion, but when it lingers, it can weigh us down and block our personal growth. By releasing guilt, we allow ourselves to move forward, forgive ourselves, and embrace healing.  This is where affirmations […]

2 mins read

Affirmation – Guilt

I have been dealing with a lot of guilt lately.  And it is all over me doing something that is good for me, while causing discomfort for others.  The people pleaser in me is not happy.  It is a decision that I have taken a long time to come to.   It started last year at […]

2 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – Forgiveness

Forgiveness is key to moving forward with life.   The hardest person to forgive is yourself.   We all make mistakes, these mistakes teach us lessons.   Some very painful ones that are hard to overcome. As we practice forgiveness in our lives, we find ways to forgive others.   This week’s affirmation is as follows: As I forgive […]

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