Sometimes in giving a message I get one…
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Sometimes in giving a message I get one…

Message from spirit

Message from Spirit are interesting, sometimes when you give one, you get one.  Yesterday I worked the Spiritual Fair for the First Spiritualist Church in Erie.   It was a great day with a steady stream of people to share messages with.   I loved my time with each and everyone of them.

One woman stood out.   She had just lost her best friend in August and she desperately wanted to hear from her.   Immediately I felt so connected to her as my thoughts immediately went to my own friend Laurie.

Message from Spirit

I knew this woman in front of me had the gift.   It just flowed from her.   I saw myself and part of my story.  She told me how they had planned to go to Lily Dale together and that her friend was trying to convince her she too had the same abilities that I have.

As I brought forward her friend, there was my friend Laurie saying hello.   My friend that I had lost in August of 2010.  I only hear from her when someone we both know is in trouble or needs something.   She choose this moment to pop in and say hello and she wanted to chit chat.  Seriously?!!!   Laurie your timing is really amazing.

I keep wanting to chit chat with her like we did when she was alive.   But she is busy.  She has to be a guardian angel to so many now.   In her words — I am the only one that has a handle on things.   She reminded me that I have an amazing group of people surrounding me, supporting me in this new life of mine.   That I do a great job listening to them and following their guidance.    She comes to me with her problem people.  The ones that I need to make a call to that are not getting the subtle clues she is leaving for them.

As I gave this woman the message from her friend and confirmed so much, there was Laurie reminding me that I am powerful, that I am moving in the right direction and that my needs are being meet.   I was also able to prepare this woman that she would not hear from her friend as often as she wanted.   That she needed to do some work before it will be easy for her to communicate with her directly.

I took far longer than I the allotted time, it did not matter, I was able to help this woman start her own Spiritual Journey.   A journey that is full of wondrous moments and never is boring.