More about signs from Spirit
I wrote this awhile ago about signs from Spirit are around if you are willing to accept them. These signs from Spirit may be loud and clear; then again they may be subtle. Today, I can tell you that I understand what happened. I now work directly with the person’s Gatekeeper — I no longer needed my own Gatekeeper to communicate.
Two reasons I am sharing this post and updating it. Signs from Spirit are very important. It is when we do not honor them that we get into trouble. I am updating this post because I have several people who I am seeing in need of understanding signs and how they can evolve over time.
Signs from Spirit – Originally Posted April 7, 2017:
There are times that you ask for a sign. My grandfather has been my gatekeeper and he has been “away” a lot more frequently. I am never really alone there is always someone there to help me. I got the sense that he is getting ready to move on. When I ask, he just smiles and changes the subject.
For a lack of better explanation, I have been working with a wide variety of gatekeepers. I don’t know if I am auditioning or they are. I am used to working with a variety of guides, but when it came to one-on-one messages or public demonstrations I could count on my Grandfather being there. A few weeks ago at a Psychic fair, every message I gave, I worked with a different gatekeeper. I struggled that day with every message I gave. I was completely exhausted at the end of the day.
The other day before I went to bed I meditated and asked for a sign for him what is going on. The next morning I opened up my computer to the news that Crayola is retiring Dandelion. There are always Dandelion or Black Eyed Susans around when he is with me. I guess I got my answer….