How to pick a Medium to work with…
It can be confusing, we all are very different and each connect with spirit in unique ways. We also have different delivery styles. Some may be more comfortable with certain Mediums rather than others. Your comfort with the Medium is part of the process. My recommendations will be different based on the person asking me.
How to Pick a Medium
I know I am not being of much help to you right this moment. Here is a few tips in finding a great Medium to see while you are in Lily Dale or if you attend one of the many psychic fairs this summer:
Watch them at one of the many public demonstrations, trust your gut, if you feel connected to one of these Mediums by all means trust that feeling
Ask friends and family for recommendations — many of the Mediums have raving fans. Again trust your gut if the recommendations feels right for you. You wouldn’t necessarily be attracted to the same mate your best friend is or career choices for example. Same goes for Mediums.
Try the Monday night circle before you make an appointment with one of the many talented Mediums at Lily Dale
- Check out their website – get to know them see if there is something they write that makes you connect with them
- Talk with your fellow visitors, you may hear something that you will guide you towards someone. Be open, walk the grounds, if you find that you have a pull to a street, follow it, Spirit may guide you to the perfect Medium for you. Things that may spark you include:
their name
the number of their house is your favorite number
something about them draws you near them when you see them out and about
they feel familiar to you
the color of their house
the flowers in their garden
a decoration they have in their yard
you may trip in front of their home
a bird, squirrel or a cat come upon you
a thought about a loved one you hadn’t thought of in awhile
Medium/Client Connections are Personal
If you don’t feel a connection, do not force it. Those of us that truly serve Spirit by doing messaging are not competing with each other. We know that Spirit will only bring us those that we are meant to help. It is awesome honor to do so.
It is my hopes that you find the answers you are searching for, with me or someone else. You may wish to read my tips for a great reading.