Cyber Bullying – A talk from Patient Zero

Cyber Bullying is a huge problem for many in this world.   The lack of compassion and understand is mind blowing.  Cyber bullying is easy to do in this on-line world and when the President of the United States does it every day.   We have become immune to it and almost afraid to say something. Wow […]

1 min read

Palliative Care – Is it right for you?

Palliative care is an important thing to be discussing with our loved ones.   A conversation that needs to happen, but doesn’t always happen before you can’t ask.   But we do not discuss this.  It is an uncomfortable conversation and most people do not want to deal with the realities of the end of their life.  […]

1 min read

How existing fortune-telling laws may affect you…

  Why are there fortune-telling laws?  To all of those Metaphysical Professionals out there that are charging to remove negative entities from a home you may want to rethink your business.    At least in New York state.  I see and hear many things at psychic fairs and at various gatherings of Metaphysical people and I […]

4 mins read

Express yourself in a way that your absence is felt…

Express yourself in a way that your absence is felt.  Makes you think doesn’t it? This post was originally posted May 30, 2016, it is just as important to me today as it was when I wrote it then.  I felt a need to share it once again.   It amazes me how simple this saying […]

2 mins read

Racism and Civil Unrest is Uncomfortable

Ready for an Uncomfortable conversation?  Racism and civil unrest has plagued this country since its inception.  How did we get to this point in history?   The answer is easy — there has always been someone who sees the equality as them losing something.  When in reality it is just an adjustment we need to make […]

8 mins read

Defining a New Normal

Everyone is excited about a new normal these days.   This Covid-19 experience has changed a lot of things for everyone.   Globally there is nobody that does not have some impact.    With all the negativity surrounding these times, there has to be a silver lining with the pandemic.  People have time to reflect and are becoming […]

3 mins read

There is this lesson….

I am in the middle of a conflict.   It is breaking my heart.  I feel like the pickle in the middle.  I gave a message at church recently to a woman with that statement.  My husband points out particular messages to me on our ride home.   He kept asking me where did I get […]

4 mins read

The political turbulent times we are in…

These turbulent times are taking its toll on everyone.   My phone lit up like a Christmas Tree last night as one of our bases were being bombed.   We sit on edge every day to see what our “leaders” are going to get us into each day.   I use the quotes around leaders because I […]

3 mins read