Category: About Mediumship
This is a safe place to learn about Mediumship.
Strong Boundaries are Your Friend
Tips for Building Better Boundaries Strong boundaries are your friend and you will need them not only in mediumship, but life as well. If you want to have healthy relationships in life, boundaries are crucial. However, setting and sticking to boundaries is a skill that can be difficult for some people to master. When you […]
Clairgustience or ability to taste
Clairgustience or the ability to taste. Of all the ways Spirit communicates with us this is one of the least talked about. It usually shows up when the person communicating with me was a cook, or when I may not be understanding other queues they have been giving me. Clairgustience is rather cool connection with […]
Spiritual Evolution and Psychic or Mediumship Development
Spiritual evolution is different for each of us. What is common is that there is pain that needs healing which often we are stopped by fear.
How a Bath or Gentle Stretch Can Help You
Relax Your Body With A Warm Bath Or Gentle Stretch I write a lot about sleep in the blog. Mainly because it is part of being a human — we need rest. The other part with a good sleep routine as a Medium you will serve Spirit better too! The key to a good night […]
The Power of a Development Circle
Back in 2018 I started a Development Circle in Rochester NY. I started leading Development Circles because so many people are lost and they are looking for a way. Too often those that teach are very rigid in what they teach and how people should develop. Regrettably, that is not always the best way to […]
Let’s Talk About Your Personal Spirituality
Benefits of Developing a Spiritual Practice As you explore the world and define who you are, you can’t help but discover the world of personal spirituality. This is a normal and healthy part of your growth and development and involves a journey that will guide you in the course of your life, leading toward a […]
What is Clairessence – Clear Smell Sense
One of the first ways we are aware of Spirit communicating with us is with smell or as we call it clairessence. Pay attention to smells.
How Mediums Receive Information – Quick Review
I am often asked How Mediums Receive Information and I thought this might be a good time to discuss. I took some time to write about the senses Mediums use to communicate. Just thought I would share a complete list of these sense and how they may feel. Granted these are my impressions on the subject, […]
Why Readings Can Be Confusing
Readings are interpretive. Why readings can be confusing are dependent on various factors. You have the person giving them the Medium, the sitter and Spirit. If you ever receive a reading from a Medium, and you don’t fully understand a message, let yourself take it and mull over it. You never know when those details […]
Let’s Talk About Mediumship Failures
Often we talk about various aspects of mediumship. But I want to focus on some common Mediumship Failures that happen with all Mediums at some point. Even great Mediums slip up and set themselves up to fail when they make these mistakes. There are many times we focus on the successes of Mediumship, but […]