Category: Uncomfortable Conversations
Passive Aggressive Behavior in Yourself
Are You Passive Aggressive? There are different communication styles and tendencies. Some people are quite assertive. They say what they want and they speak their mind. Others try to go with the flow. They are passive and are often people pleasers. They don’t want to rock the boat and they stay quiet. Then there are […]
Is Criticism Always Bad?
Criticism Is Not Always Meant to Be Negative Do you struggle to handle criticism? Because you are not alone. My mother was so critical of all that I did, that I lost any confidence I had. Later in life my I surrounded myself with those that were highly critical of me. I thought that was […]
Overcoming Darkness in Your Life
Overcoming Darkness in Your Life and Replacing it With Joy Overcoming darkness has been a life long struggle for me. I get it. There are times in life when something bad happens to create the most profound darkness you’ve ever experienced. It takes a toll on you, and you feel like you’ll never overcome it. […]
Manage Your Energy
Tips on How to Manage Your Energy Levels The varying degrees of your energy level can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Sometimes you have to have the energy to complete a task or activity and other times you seem to have the most energy when you’re trying to relax. If you can […]
Count Your Blessings
Count Your Blessings was originally written on November 15, 2017. It is important to note that I have never officially been notified as to what happened. I have had several people off the record say they were sorry. One of the first songs I heard in a Spiritualist Church was Count Your Blessings and it […]
Are you a Victim of Spiritual Jealousy?
Spiritual Jealousy is a real thing in the Spiritual community and a very uncomfortable conversation. Be it in any community – Spiritual, Jewish, Christian and even eastern traditions. It happens in groups, associations, assemblies and churches. This is an ugly reality we face walking a true Spiritual path, the jealousy of others. Not to say […]
Bullies and Spiritualism
Bullies and Spiritualism is a discussion that needs to be had. Sadly I have seen more than one destroy beautiful churches in the process.
Where is the Compassion For Others?
Anyone else see a lack of compassion for others lately? It is so evident these days with the folks that are refusing to wear a mask in the consideration of others. There is a total lack of respect and concern for the health of others. I am tired of being judged and mocked for simply […]
A Crisis of Faith
Crisis of Faith does not have to be a result of a a single event. Originally I wrote this December 14, 2018, and I am bringing it forward because it continues and so many are being hurt. I am watching the same events unfold with a different cast of characters with the same negative influence. […]
How will you be remembered?
Here is something to think about. How will you be remembered? I am serious about this, will people remember you as a kind, loving and generous? Will they remember you in an unflattering way? Will the truth of your life be something you are proud of? I shared this originally on October 14, 2015. It is […]