Yes There are Advantages of Being Disliked!

The Advantages of Being Disliked For many years I was uncomfortable being disliked by others.  Most of us are taught to be people pleasers from a very young age.  The idea that there are any advantages at all in being disliked is probably a new one for many of us. The biggest advantage is that […]

3 mins read

Revision Surgery Recovery Tips

Facing surgery?   I want to share some of my recovery tips to help you with the process.  It is hard to believe that I recently had yet another surgery.   I am off pain medications, that is a relief.   Still sore and bruised, but that is part of the process.   I have to remember to take […]

3 mins read

Our Needs and Desires

Needs Versus Desires We all want things. But our wants can be categorized into two different sections: needs and desires. With some things, the category that our wants fall into can be easy to distinguish, but for other items, it can be very difficult to figure out. With a little bit more understanding of needs […]

4 mins read

Avoiding Unconscious Bias

Common Unconscious Bias Examples and How to Avoid Them An unconscious bias is based on assumptions and opinions rather on facts or evidence. In other words, it involves judging something or someone according to hearsay or someone else’s opinions or beliefs. Unconscious biases are often wrong especially when it involves a group of people. Everything […]

4 mins read

Science Proves Gratitude Makes Us Happy

Science Proves Gratitude Makes Us Happy Science proves gratitude has an effect on us.  For most, gratitude is a pure outright thank you. For others a half-hearted thank you text or card may seal the deal. But in psychology, it’s is not just an offhand action. Gratitude is a positive emotion that goes a long […]

2 mins read

How Productive People Think

How Productive People Think How productive people think is something that I find interesting.  If you want to become more productive, it helps to understand how productive people think.  Even if this way of thinking doesn’t come naturally to you, you can adopt these principles and apply them to your own work life. Priorities matter. […]

2 mins read