You must take care of yourself….
Makes sense, when you get on an airplane the instructions before takeoff tell you to put our own oxygen mask before you assist
Guiding You to Thrive Through Life’s Transitions
Makes sense, when you get on an airplane the instructions before takeoff tell you to put our own oxygen mask before you assist
You are amazing. It is important to remember that you are perfect just the way you are. Flaws, mistakes and all are amazing.
Why me? Why would my reaction to something someone else did be so important? I used to react all the time to different
Embracing Gratitude in Every Moment What makes a difference in our happiness? My life has been rather amazing, filled with ups and downs
Magic happens. I find it interesting that the more optimistic that I become the more wonderful things happen. It is almost funny because
How do you fix a broken heart? Patience. I know not the answer you wanted to hear, but it is the truth. It
I ran into a woman once that said to me “oh you are so talented, I can’t do any of those clever things
Life is short. I have spent most of my life being insecure, afraid of what others think. I have wasted so much time
Joy is something we all seek yet often we miss opportunities to experience just that because we are too focused on the final destination.
New Beginnings Often numbers repeating to you is a message from your guides and angels. Today is June 6, 2016. It made me