National Previvor Day

Today is National Previvor Day, right in the middle of Nation Hereditary Cancer week. On September 15, 2010, history was made with the unanimous passage of H. Res. 1522.  The Congressional resolution declaring the first-ever National Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) Week and National Previvor Day. Last year, FORCE renamed the week to recognize […]

2 mins read

Do You Need the Approval of Others?

Free Yourself from Needing the Approval of Others Since we were children, most of us learned that it could be advantageous to make others happy. Most children want the approval of their parents, teachers, and peers. We tend to carry that same tendency into adulthood. While it’s natural to seek the approval of others, sometimes […]

4 mins read

Don’t call me BRAVE…

Originally I wrote this on March 23, 2019. Today I understand how brave I was to make these decisions about my life.   It was a very difficult two years of my life.  Since then I have learned bravery is pushing through the fear and doing what is necessary.  Even if you are terrified.   In the […]

6 mins read

The Benefits of Failure and Imagination

This post was originally posted on September 20, 2016. I think it means even more today than then.   Let yourself decide what is failure is and not what others define.  Failure strips away the unnecessary in your life.   It makes you focus on what really matters to you.   It sets you free.  You may not […]

3 mins read